Creating keyframe animations

In Kanzi you can create keyframe animations that:

You can create the animation data for keyframe animations in these ways:

To create keyframe animations using the Kanzi Engine API, see Creating animations and timelines using the Kanzi Engine API.

Creating keyframe animations for node properties

To create a keyframe animation for node properties:

  1. In the Library > Animations > Animation Clips double-click the Animation Clip of your keyframe animation.
    The Animation Clip Editor opens.

  2. In the Animation Clip Editor enter in the Current Time the time at which you want your animation to start.
    For example, enter 0 to start the animation when the trigger that starts the animation is triggered. See Editing animation clips.
  3. In the Project select the node the property values of which you want to animate, and from the Properties drag the property you want to animate to the Animation Clip Editor.
    Kanzi Studio creates Animation Data for each property and property attribute, and adds a keyframe for each property and property attribute at the time you selected in the Current Time.
    For example, add Render Transformation property and drag it to the Animation Clip Editor to animate the position of the node.
  4. In the Properties change the value of the property you are animating, in the Animation Clip Editor enter in the Current Time the time at which you want to Kanzi Studio to create a keyframe with that property value, and drag the property from the Properties.
    For example, change the Translation attribute of the Render Transformation property.
    Kanzi Studio adds the new property values to the Animation Data.
  5. Repeat the previous three steps as many times as you want to add keyframes to your animation.
  6. To play and control the playback of a keyframe animation, see Playing keyframe animations.

Creating keyframe animations for target property attributes

To create a keyframe animation for a target property attribute:

  1. In the Library press Alt and right-click Animations and select Animation.
  2. In the Properties set the Target of the animation.
    For example, set:
  3. In the Library double-click the animation you created in the first step to open it in the Animation Clip Editor and in the Animation Clip Editor use the Move tool to select the animation in the canvas area.
  4. Select the Keyframe tool and click the animation to create keyframes.
    For example, click the animation three times to create three keyframes.
  5. Select the Move tool , select the first keyframe and set:For example, set Time to 0 and Value to 0 to set the value of Node3D.RenderTransformationRotation Z to 0 degrees when the animation starts.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each keyframe you created.
    For example, set:
  7. To play and control the playback of a keyframe animation, see Playing keyframe animations.

See also

Playing keyframe animations

Changing the interpolation mode between keyframes

Tutorial: Create keyframe animations

Creating animations and timelines using the Kanzi Engine API

Editing animation clips

Editing timeline sequences

Animations best practices
